Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 24. 2020

This was Riley singing along with a Jonas Bros song during The Voice.  I don't know, it made me laugh.  And, yes, she was probably still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

My taco.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 23, 2020

I somehow managed to draw this picture of a polar bear/chicken/duck 
while my phone was in my pocket.

 Riley's conditioning list sent by her gymnastics coach.

Riley's wearing Rick's pin striped IU pants.  They do not fit.

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 22, 2020

Riley's bestie made shirts for them.  We picked them up today but couldn't chat face to face.  So they talked through the door.

Someone is in charge of cleaning the fan blades.

Rick's favorite guacamole

Visiting through the door with g and g

March 21, 2020

Rick's plants are coming along well.  Next up, he needs to transplant them.

Riley's salad that Rick made.  Mine was just a regular salad.

March 20, 2020

I'm not sure if those kind of masks help but hopefully for his sake, they do.

That's a fish taco.  You can't really tell but there is fish (out of a box), coleslaw and a white dill sauce.  We are making do with what we have.

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 19, 2020

Riley found some old jackets. LOL

I made sourdough bread.

Grilled chicken, potato and scrambled eggs on a tortilla.

It's handstand time...again.

March 18, 2020

Riley got a letter in the mail today from her elementary art teacher.  She wrote it to herself when she was in 6th grade.

I was working away when I heard yelling come from Riley's room.  She kept yelling, "Are you still up?"  Turns out that she and her best friend were face-timing and having a handstand contest.  Riley's IPAD was on her bed so she was trying to make sure that C could hear her.

March 17, 2020

Look at those gas prices

Well, that's a little on the nose.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 16, 2020

A friend of mine posted this on facebook.  I'm guessing I was in middle school...maybe younger high school.  I'm maybe taller than Jason or on a slope.

Someone is taking all of the extra time at home to learn to play the piano.

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 15, 2020

Rick's pepper plants

Checking on G and G through the door.

March 14, 2020

Riley had an eye appt today then we went home and quarantined.

She sent her friend Cam all of the horrible glasses.