Friday, November 22, 2019

November 21, 201

November 20, 2019

My little succulent is doing so well.  I hope she gets watered while I'm on vacation.

A family friend's little boy calls Riley "Lemonade", we don't know why but he honestly thinks that's her name.  I'm pretty sure his big brother told him that.  Anyway, it's like she got a second wagon. HAHA

November 19, 2019

And they are off.  See you soon!!

November 18, 2019

Every year....

November 17, 2019

That's Ty.  They look like they could be siblings.

Yep...decisions have been made.  I'm sure no one is shocked.

November 16, 2019 - IUDM Pt 2

This really touched me.  It's Ashley Crouse's bucket and headband.  She was killed by a drunk driver when she was on exec at IU.  We started not long after.  We are friends with her brother.  Her parents sent it to IUDM this year and it was tangible evidence of a life given to IUDM and taken away too soon.

I think this picture was from last night.  I was holding Anna and Bailee's pringles.  

November 15, 2019

Night one of IUDM (I say as I yawn).  We started at 8 and stayed until 2 or so.

It's ALLEY!!!!!!

I'm not sure what that face is that Owen is making.

Two of Riley's best friends.

The only way to survive a 36 hour dance marathon.  Pringles and a pop tart in the pocket of her work out pants.  There's something wrong with that.

Jacob and Alec...they are so tall and Riley loves them.

This is Mike.  Mike is a member of Another Round.  He came over to ask Riley to help him come up with what songs they are singing tomorrow.  TOO MUCH PRESSURE.  Her head almost exploded.

November 14, 2019

I rode into work with my friend Becky today but then she had to leave so I was left without a ride home.  Rick picked me but he had practice so I dropped him off.  Then I went home and waited for Riley to get home from practice so we could go back and pick him up from dinner out with his friends afterward.  It was late as you can tell by the look on Riley's face.  But hilariously, she was actually having a good time with the fellas next to her who were picking on her in only the way that big brothers and pretend big brothers can.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 13, 2019 - The Wagon

Riley has been talking for some time about raising enough money to get a wagon.  We found out last year that the donation had to be in one donation, so we couldn't just raise enough to hit the necessary total.  So we waited until this year and then found that the required donation went from $1924 to $2500.  So Riley scraped and begged and saved every penny of every cash donation until she hit $2500.  Her friend C wanted to be a part of it so she did the same and added another couple of hundred to Riley's total.

So last night, their wagon was released into the fleet.  It was gone within minutes.  I'm so proud of them!!  It will be used as Riley's senior project for National Honor Society.

November 12, 2019

We are dealing with so much construction at work and it's horrific.  It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so bitterly cold but we are being constantly rerouted outside.

November 11, 2019

Ugh, it snowed today.  I think we got about 3".  We all went together to Riley's saxophone lesson, grabbed some pizza then headed home.

Monday, November 11, 2019

November 10, 2019

We left Purdue around 10 to get to Riley's last first gymnastics meet of the season.  We were lucky enough to run into Tommie at the hotel restaurant (we don't want to talk about our experience there) and she did Riley's hair (Claire finished the bun at the meet).

Riley won bars, beam and vault and came in 4th on floor.

We left her meet and beat feet to get to Rick's concert before making it home for some baked chicken, broccoli and rice.

November 9, 2019

Rick ran a (half) marathon in an hour and a half.  Riley and I attended a dance marathon an hour and a half away.  Here's Rick enjoying his well-deserved Qdoba breakfast.

I think the flash was too bright.