Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August 27, 2019

Riley is working on a new move in gymnastics to try to get her high school bars value up to a 10.0.  I'm not sure why the picture won't rotate so you can see her handstand.

Carnita tacos

August 26, 2019

This is Rick's smile before popping a very hot pepper in his mouth.  Oddly enough, we were at Riley's saxophone lesson at the time.  He's either a good faker or it didn't bother him.

Monday, August 26, 2019

August 25, 2019

That is supposed to be Riley and her friend Emily from church, she gave herself a beard.  LOL

August 24, 2019

There is a Catholic church just down the street from our house but it isn't the one that we attend.  It actually got moved from another side of town.  Anyway, today was their church festival and boy did we have a good time.

The above kids are in my Faith Formation class.  The girl next to Riley is the child of two veterinarians and they had kittens at the shop that needed fed.  Also, there seemed to be some teenage drama.  I'm pretty sure that the guy likes Riley, the girl next to Riley likes the guy, the third girl likes the one next to Riley and Riley just wanted an elephant ear.

The ride is actually moving even though my photography skills make it look like it's standing still. HAHA

August 23, 2019

Riley's (gorgeous) friend Mikayla got married tonight.

August 22, 2019

Pretty flower, stupid beetle

Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 21, 2019

Rick did a corporate challenge bike race last night.  He finished in the top 25 and brought home first place on his team.  Not bad for a guy in his fifties.

August 20, 2019

I got this adorable photo this morning.  Well, it was adorable until she told me that her school picture consisted of wearing graduation gowns.

A horrible storm blew up on campus at about 2pm.  My co-worker and I were at the hospital when it hit but we had to try to get to our building.  There were 75 MPH winds.

When we got back to the office, we found that a tree at the high school had blown over on a truck.  This picture is mid blow over.  Riley got stuck at school until 5PM when they finally released the high school kids.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August 19, 2019

August 18, 2019

First day of Faith Formation.

We went on a little tour with my parents' in their new car (see deer accident).  

This is Jason's old house near Garfield Park

The house my mom lived in as a teenager.  It's pretty run down and...AND an ostrich lives next door.

The house my mom lived in as a little kid.

The house my Great Grandma lived in and my parents lived in when I was born.  I lived here for about a year.

The church where my parents got married.

My mom's elementary school.

My parents lived on the second floor of this house when they first got married.

We decided to make Italian food when we got home.  You can't tell but that's a stuffed mushroom.

A wedge salad.

Chicken parmesan

Riley made a cheesecake