We were off to solo and ensemble by 9 AM and at Ben Davis high school not long after. One of Riley's trio members found her when we arrived to tell her that he had forgotten his saxophone so would be playing someone else's. No...I have no idea and Riley's sax teacher was angry enough for all of us. Regardless, in they went and they came out with a gold. As I mentioned earlier, they were playing a group one song (the highest level) so they will be representing their high school at state.
One of our family friends is in 7th grade and he was also at the school competing. He also plays the sax so he was in the same room. I believe he was competing group 5 and did very well and also got a gold. His dad is in the band with Rick and he also has the same sax teacher (who is also in the band with Rick). There also was a funny moment with his score but you kinda had to be there.
I took the two above "children" to get some lunch then came back early enough for Riley to warm up for her solo. We found out she was getting in a little early so off she went and once again, she came out with a gold and is going to state.
This is where normal people would go home for the day. We did not. We went to Culver's for celebratory ice cream, we went to get gas and we went to GFS to stock up for tomorrow's Super Bowl party. Then we went to Butler for their dance marathon. They raised over 365,555!!!
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