Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 27, 2020

January 26, 2020

Murder Mystery at church
2 hour practice at the gym
Dinner with G and G

Nope, she wasn't the killer

Uncle Jason helping with the knots

Photos at G and G

January 25, 2020

Someone got a MUCH needed haircut.

MMM, perfectly cooked potatoes.

January 24, 2020

 Hit the Symphony for Beethoven's 5th plus dinner at the Claddagh for Devour

Friday, January 24, 2020

January 23, 2020

Ugh, gymnastics meet tonight that was tough mentally.  Two really good, ranked teams and our little band of ragtag, injured solo artists.  Riley's scores mostly went up, except floor and she didn't vault...so...

January 22, 2020

Riley was nominated to the Indianapolis Star I am Sports award.  Vote Vote Vote

Eyebrow help is needed

January 21, 2020

No practice tonight so instead Riley stayed after school and practiced for solo and ensemble.  She's taking three pieces this year.  After practice, we had a meeting at the school to discuss graduation.  GAH!!


January 20, 2020

It's been a long time since I drew cartoons at work.  It's also not a very good photo. :)

January 19, 2020

Riley had a makeup class at the gym today because it will be closed to our gymnasts while the National team is practicing.  HOWEVER, while we were there, three of the National team members came in and checked out the equipment.  Suni is on the upper right, Riley is the circle in the middle and Claire is the circle furthest left.


First DM of the new year.  Bishop Chatard

This lady stopped us and introduced herself.  She was President of IUDM in 1995.

January 18, 2020

It shall come as no surprise that we were incredibly busy/today.  I dropped Riley at work at 8:45 then joined her at 9:30 for her high school gymnastics invitational.  She did well, bringing up her score on bars, vault and floor.

After the meet, we met up with my brother for lunch and went to Goodwill to pick up costumes for next week's murder mystery party at church.  Then it was back home to practice for solo and ensemble then off to church to make an announcement (in costume) about the party and grab food for the UFC fight.

Riley's knee needed ice and Claire's ankle needed ice so they went in together on the ice.

One girl (at least) from each school represented.

These two were playing the expression game.  I am still laughing.

All of the seniors!

She's grumpy because her classmates didn't come so she has to go out and speak by herself.  She did not speak, incidentally so I had to.

Look how tiny those crackers are!

This was my favorite fight.  So funny.

The girls made a sign for all of the gymnasts coming to the gym on Monday.

January 17, 2020

Months ago, Rick got a pamphlet in the mail about the Chicago Symphony playing all of Beethoven's greatest works.  He REALLY wanted to go but it also meant a quick turnaround or missing school/church.  Luckily, we discovered that the Indianapolis Symphony would be doing the same series.  Tonight we hit Beethoven's 3rd which was amazing.  I probably did not get as much out of it as the rest of my family but it was enjoyable.
Riley had to work right after school so Rick and I stopped for dinner at the Rathskellar for some stellar German food.  TBH, it was prettier than it tasted.  Riley, amazingly, drove across town and through downtown traffic at the tail end of rush hour and joined us.


January 16, 2020

Rick's grandpa always had these kind of cookies at his house and I found them in the grocery store the other day.  Archway Chocolate Chip...and a glass of beer.