Wednesday, January 8, 2020

December 30, 2019

So kind of a funny story...

I have a horrible sinus head cold kind of thing going on.  At lunch I was in search of a bowl of hospital chicken noodle soup.  I was out of luck at my normal spot (Lobster Bisque and Cream of Celery btw) so I walked over to the Cancer Center and checked out their selections.  I was in luck with the soup and as I went to grab the (last) bowl, someone reached OVER me and took it.  I went to find someone to get me another and after filling it, decided a breadstick from the pizza place would be a yummy accompaniment even if I couldn't taste it.  I ordered the breadstick and paid for it and while it was heating up, I went to the main cashier to pay for my soup.  Now, keep in mind that I only get 30 minutes for lunch and the time was tick tick ticking away.  As I was in line, I noticed that the man behind me was one of the NICU doctors when Riley was there.  He was not her direct doctor but was in charge of...well, I don't know.  I smiled at him, not wanting to bother him at lunch and turned around.  He tapped me on the shoulder and introduced himself.  I smiled back and said, "I know who you are."  Then he asked about Riley by name and wanted to know if she was 18 yet.  I told him her birthday then he asked if I would send him photos of her so he could let everyone know how she was doing.  That made me kind of giggle because the ones that we really care about...they are still in our lives (and on facebook) but we also know that there are plenty of people who took care of her who would love to know how she's doing.  Anyway, that's not even the funny part of the story.  So I left him and went to get my breadstick and as soon as I walked up to the counter (tick tick ticking) the guy gave me a look of horror and says, "I think I just gave away your breadstick.  Let me make you another and I'll add one to it...35 seconds."  So I wait and he grabs the breadsticks and promptly drops them on the floor.  I kid you not.  This time he put four in for me and I received them safely.  Once I got back to the office, I just clocked back in and ate my food while working.  I also shared my sticks with a co-worker.  And just for the record, they were AMAZING.

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