Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September 22, 2018

Work for Riley, a visit with my parents for me, a trip to order Riley's letter jacket, a baby shower, a fundraiser for Riley's coach, dress shopping, out for Mexican for girls' night AND a visit to an Escape room.  Yeehaw!

So the first two pictures...dad needed a new photo for his newspaper column.  In the first one, I told him to smile big.  

When I went to get Riley's jacket, the owner asked if she was team captain.  "You're damn right, she is."  Okay, I didn't actually say that but "yes sir, she is team captain."

I LOVED more than one dress.  Actually, so did she.  There was a lot of phone consultations going on.  By the time we got to shoes, I was DONE!

This was at the escape room.  Both of these two are tiny enough (and flexible enough) to fit in the little kid car.  Their legs are folded pretty good.

So the escape room.  It was a "scary movie" escape room.  This was definitely my "out of my comfort zone" event of this weekend.  They made us watch a short "news story" about missing people being abducted by a serial killer, then we were blindfolded us and led into a room where we were each locked into a separate cage/cell.  One of our teammates had the information in their cell on how to get out.  Luckily, I was the second one out so my claustrophobia didn't kick in too badly, but I'm telling you now, if a monster had been in the cell with me when I took off my blindfold...I'd have been outta there!

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