Friday, May 1, 2020

April 30, 2020

I have a ton of sourdough starter.  I have given some away.  But today I used some of the extra starter to make soft pretzels.  I made a mistake because I added yeast even though I put my starter in.  I even thought it was weird but did it anyway.  SO...when we got to the boiling step, they puffed up.  But they tasted sooo good.  Riley added cinnamon and sugar to hers to make them a little more dessert-like,  Also, we all "helped" roll out the pretzels.  Some of us were better at it than others.  I was not one of the good ones.  Neither was Rick.  And well, no one was as bad at it as Rick was.

Riley's is in the back with the fancy twist.  Mine is in the front.

Here is Rick's.

See, they are very poofy after the boil.  There were some that were a little "turd" like.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so ambitious. Wow! I can't even being to imagine homemade pretzels, a sourdough starter or even what I'd do with a sourdough starter if I had one in my kitchen. I wanna be you when I grow up. :-)
