Tuesday, December 17, 2019

December 15, 2019

While we were in Seattle, my friend T called me to let me know all the information was up about Hoosier Cup.  Since our gym was hosting, we had to work 5 sessions plus set up or tear down.  I set up on Friday night and worked a session yesterday. 

However, I was informed that Riley's team was scheduled to compete at 7PM on Saturday night (coincidentally almost the exact time that she was playing a solo on the auditorium stage last night),  Riley FREAKED out.  Not only is Hoosier Cup a huge meet, and our meet, her teammates rely on her scores toward their team score AND we probably paid $150 towards the meet.  Most importantly, gymnasts need two meets of 34 points to qualify for state.  For most gymnasts, that's not too hard as they have 6-8 meets to get those scores.  HOWEVER, Riley does high school gymnastics so she gets pretty much two tries.  We texted our coach and she said she would see what she could do...and she did.  One day last week we got the call that Riley was going to be allowed to compete at her skill level but with the team below her.  BUT that was the time that we were signed up to work in the OPPOSITE gym.  Meanwhile, Rick had an advent gig so was unable to be at the meet.

I was lucky, I was facing the opposite gym for vault which was first.  I saw the first vault which was okay but not great.  Vault 2 was gorgeous, then Riley sat down on the landing.   Boo.  Since I was at the opposite end of a double gym located in a fieldhouse at the state fairgrounds, I basically saw her land and then vanish.  She got up smiling and flashed an 8.9 for me.  Bars was next and it was pretty close to me so I was able to see.  She is getting so good at bars but still struggles with that stupid connection.  I looked over to see her hopping up and down to show me a 9.65 on bars.  That's the highest score she's ever gotten on any event.  Bars was almost as pretty and she finished that one with a 9.425.  I did not get to see the floor and she didn't come see me to give me a score.  I eventually found out she got an 8.9 

Her total was an eye popping 36.95.  They announced her as a senior in a teary moment and let the crowd know she would be attending Indiana University next fall.  Her "new" teammates hugged her and the crowd gave her a cheer.  They gave her 5 gold medals and let her know that she would have won 2 events and all around the night before if she had competed.

After that, she had to make up one session by announcing the medalists for one of the sessions.  She had a couple of hiccups but did well.  I rewarded her with a smores cookie from Insomnia cookies.

We got home just as the first snowflakes were falling.

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