I made cookies with my mama tonight while fully masked. She was not masked which meant that she probably ate more than she baked and iced.
So some thoughts behind our baking...
Her sisters are having a cookie exchange on Sunday. We drop off our cookies, they'll get arranged on tables outside or in the garage, then we go back and pick up our sets. She's doing a set and Riley and I are doing a set.
Mom wanted to make sugar cookies and decorate them. She specifically said she wanted to do both steps for four dozen cookies. Riley made cookie dough for her and froze it in logs. But while I was at Meijer, I found 30 cookies with icing for $9. So I bought it. Then I made two dozen more...which left two logs of dough. I took everything to her house and baked the rest of the cookies while she iced (and ate) the other cookies. In the end, she got to do what she wanted, we spent some time together and yay for Christmas cookies.
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