Wednesday, January 13, 2021

January 12, 2021

The scanner at work today lost its ever loving mind and scanned a barcode that doesn't exist.  That is a very expensive fireplace guard.

Riley's paint job had some issues.  I'm wondering if she didn't stir enough?  She did a have a friend come over and help her paint (with their masks on) and she said he looked like he'd murdered someone with his red paint.

I ordered steak fajitas from Mexico last night.  I asked them to add some shrimp and I ended up with enough shrimp to make one, absolutely delicious, shrimp soft taco with some queso and sour cream.

Rick was doing a tortilla chip taste test with Riley.

We bought my mom some reusable straws.  Riley decided she wanted some too.  She opened them (why are they so flexible??).  In the middle of the night, the cat started meowing victoriously because she had killed one.  I went and found it and put it on a shelf, she got it down.  I put it in the sink before I left for work hoping someone would sterilize it (or throw it away).  When I sat down for dinner, I noticed that the cat had put it in her water dish and drank all of the water.  What in the name of all that is holy was happening?  Did she drink from the straw?


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