Monday, July 22, 2019

July 20, 2019

Still super hot in Indy.  I had to do an outreach today but it was at least inside. We were supposed to have a church event today that required sharing cars but it got cancelled...very late.  So Riley ended up at my parents' just down the street from my outreach.  I picked her up (but left the sleep kitties there).  I took her home and she went to mass while I took Rick to a friend's so he could have some drinks.  I went back home and picked up Riley to take her to her bff's for a sleepover then went back and picked up Rick.

In today's photos...the aforementioned sleepy kitties.  I was holding the little one and Riley stole her from me.

This is the sleepover crew.  There wasn't much sleeping happening.

Check out the giant blow up tv that they could watch while in the pool.  I believe they were watching Friends but they started with Stranger Things. Apparently it got kind of scary.


If you look closely, there is a giant face superimposed onto the wooded area.  They had taken down the screen before going in (for the morning).
  Two tomatoes out of the garden.  A fried green one and a tomato basil salad.


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