Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 23, 2019

Out of order!!  THIS COURT IS OUT OF ORDER.  Well, the court isn't out of order but this post is.  Eh.

This big pork kebab was for making Tacos Al Pastor.  We had them for the first time in San Diego.  Thin slices of grilled pork topped with pineapple.  Heaven.  Mine were not as good but it was only my first try.  There wasn't enough seasoning.  Ah well, as they say "Rome wasn't built in a day"

1 comment:

  1. I'm just impressed as hell that you're trying to make those things. I'd have to go back to San Diego before I'd get another taste because, yeah, I'm not really much of a cook, even with a decent recipe. So sad for me and my family. But on the bright side, GO YOU!!! :-)
