Today was an historic day at our house. Riley had her hair done by C's mom and she and C stepped in to the gym as competitive gymnasts for the very last time. We were allowed to come in since we were the girls' high school coaches and I brought my camera. They ran through their routines for the last time. There were tears from the girls and their coaches. Luckily, both of them are running a camp next week so they will be back in the gym but after today, they are no longer gymnasts.
Love love love this split leap. PS. A leap is achieved while in forward motion. A jump is achieved by going straight up. It took me 14 years of gymnastics to figure that out and I may still be wrong.
So this was kind of a big deal. They strapped Riley onto the bar and she did her very first and very last giant which is a full body swing all the way around the bar. You can youtube a giant. She actually looks like she's going backwards but it's just the screen shot. I also have a video which is kind of funny if anyone wants to see it.
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