Friday, July 10, 2020

July 8, 2020

Hello zucchini.  Expect a picture of some zucchini bread in the next couple of days.  I'm the only one who eats zucchini plain in our family, but everyone else will at least try the bread.

Ooh, a beet!

It took WAY too long to snap them beans.

I threw the beet into the last of the pickling liquid.  I gave it to Rick to try and he said, "I prefer it cold"  Hello eyeroll.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fruits of your garden! Go you. We have a garden but it's not 'ours' it's Tom's. I say that because I do not work in the garden. I don't want to and in this case, I have zero guilt over refusing to do so.
