Today was the day that has been both slowly and quickly approaching...maybe since Riley was born. Many people have shared with me what it was like when their parents dropped them off at college or as parents, what it felt like to leave your kiddo.
We drove down and slowly made our way through the cars that were carrying incoming students who needed to be tested for the virus. Riley was negative, btw.
We weren't sure if we'd be allowed to go into her dorm, but we were. We met her roommate and her (male) next door neighbors who happen to be from New Jersey. We found out that the only people allowed on her floor are people who live on her floor. bringing up friends.
Once we had everything dropped off that she needed, we headed out for dinner after picking up a friend. Said friend is the daughter of my college roommate and I think everyone is hoping that they turn out to be close friends.
Honestly, I think going out to dinner made the dropoff easier because it was so "normal". We dropped off Nat and headed back to the dorm. Riley had a zoom floor meeting scheduled so she was in a bit of a hurry. There were hugs and a few pictures and then we drove off as she walked back in. My brother called on the way home so that conversation made the drive easier.
It'll be strange, I'm sure, how quickly our normal changes.
Picture 1 - Someone put our car seat doll like this in the storage room, adorable.
One note - on the way to work, I realized that Riley will be moved out for almost the exact same amount of time that she was in the NICU. I cried.
That NICU stay...her first time truly away from home heart soars for her and breaks for you. Sending you so much love.